
over there on


by Omar VgWs

This website it is primarily and above everything acting as a diary of one character. It offers narrations in the form of stories, of which Omar VgWs has been part. It deals with his most relevant experiences and projects that still currently in progress, others in development and those that could be.

You will probably find articles written in English, Spanish and German. Some of them are simultaneously translated, others are simply in one language.

Beyond the fact that this website serves to transmit dramatic or horror stories, it transmits more than anything intriguing, esoteric topics for all ages, matters concerning humanity and Planet Earth.

Post and topics are accompanied from time to time with illustrations made in a unique style, most of them created by the author of this website.

Website Overview

And set up:


Just like you and other persons, we all have one or another story to tell.
I am presenting here two varied hierarchies, which imply two constants.



True stories. Many of them are the product of long stays somewhere.


Stories with imaginary content. Thoughts about surreal situations.



Related to well-being experiences and also those of others.


Constructive criticism, which helps improve living situation.


In this section, I am sharing my most relevant experiences. This rubric mainly involves facts which are contributing to my individual everyday transformation.


A healthy mind with ability to be part of positive projects, creates a line in any way during life. This is reflected in the integrity which serves for the realisation and complexity this topic covers.


On Going

Some underway projects, which are active.


Some planned projects, which could be close to entering development.

Omar VgWs

About Me

Omar has always been a passionate artist. Whether he creates virtual sketches or manual drawings and paintings or writes content, whenever he starts a project, he puts his heart and soul into the project.

In his company he supports individuals and companies to reach their desired customers through brand identity, development and much more.

Omar has been vegan for decades with a primary focus on promoting healthy, organic well-being. From the beginning of 2016 to mid-2021, he led and coordinated interesting projects based on permaculture, zero-waste and veganism.

Omar is professional multimedia designer, working as a freelance since 2008. He also designs sounds and is a very professional graphic designer.

General information: Please consider that everything shown on this website it is a purely personal work, which implies full free and artistic expression in the content. By clicking on any of the links, buttons, etc. that constitute it, you will be accepting this. If you are looking for censorship, centralisation, control, cruelty or something similar, there are recognised websites familiar with these last mentioned topics and feel free to close this site immediately.