

Artefacto 01

My Absence From Soc’s

Mi ausencia en las redes sociales más comunes. [English below] Hace poco mas de dos años desde que cerré los perfiles que tenía en las apps Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp y

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Flower of Life as a Plant

Phase 1B

Fase 1B Compensación de la anterior fase. [English below / Deutsch unten] El motivo para comenzar a escribir esta fase deriva del deseo de continuar sobre la ruta positiva, ya

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Vision Terra

Querido Familiar

Estimado familiar Muy buen comienzo de 2024. Porque me considero limpio, con empatía hacia la mayoría de los seres, sobre todo hacia los que no tienen voz como nosotros; me

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Hand In Hand Situations

Company on the way to improvement The desire to wake up and continue along the path of love, truth, following intuition, is a decision I highly recommend. I read an

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A Coffee & Tea Story

A coffee & tea story Unforgettable moments of flavour which “conditionally” follow our days. In these days when I most long for tranquility and collective peace, sporadic trips to cities

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Channeling Distractions

Channeling Distractions

Channeling distractions Without the character of each individual being a necessary reason to judge one another, since the previous post of July 30th the time has come to close in

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Phase 1A

El inicio de la siguiente etapa Fase 1A 2024 [English below] El inicio de la siguiente fase se percibe. Las cartas sobre la mesa están siendo sorteadas. Un recuento de

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Vegetarische Klarstellung

Eine schöne vegetarische Klarstellung Das Gleichgewicht in der Natur geschieht sicher. Hoffen wir, dass die Ära, in der wir uns befinden, ihr Bestes zum Guten gibt. Zusätzlich zu der Werbung,

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Purple Room

Waking up in a strange bedroom The feeling of waking up in a strange room is completely unmatched than waking up at home. Due to the foolishness of many people

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Natural Balance

Art can be stolen, talent certainly can’t! For some time now I have been contacting family members, friends and acquaintances, to combine the communication of the newsletters together with this

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Ein Bild und Tausend Worte

…Sagen mehr als genug Wir werden gezielt angegriffen. [Deutsch unten] Sin saber con certeza si es de manera consciente o inconsciente, se presencian actos provenientes de personas e instituciones, los

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Circular Communication

Incremento del valor de la renta La comunicación es una metodología útil para sobrevivir. [English below] Más allá de lo que podría ser el esparcimiento de un mensaje a través

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Disturbing Actions

Moments of peace touched by “human” unconsciousness Facts worthy of a publication, as part of life learning. On the twenty-third of November I received a letter from the gym where

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Elementary Turn

Elementary turn A series of events has been taking place since the beginning of May of this year. [Español abajo] The month in which the first signs of instability began

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Permanent Dentition

Dental Story

Protocolo de eventos dentales. [English below] Quizá no sea éste un tema muy relevante para el público. Sin embargo, algo en mí me ha alentado para comenzar a escribir, a

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Property For Sale

Real Estate

Real Estate Experience Beautiful property for sale in the Mexican Caribbean. [Español más abajo] For several reasons I have decided to continue promoting the sale of a beautiful property in

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Find The Atom

Visual story This visual “food” in the morning is initially positioned in all the antonyms of pleasant. I have woken up with all the desire to walk in the forest,

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Today I received a clarification. Without having noticed any interest in communication on some sides, it has been a crucial decision for me to have started “a cleanse.” Something I

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Deliberate Confusion

The original state of cheese Filaments forming a vision. [English below] Durante la búsqueda de alimentos y al momento de comer, he percibido varias veces «una visión en forma de

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Light Portals In Tulum

Part of my light portals Much of what happens on Planet Earth is intriguing. [English below] Mucho de lo que sucede en el Planeta Tierra es intrigante. La era durante

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Just like you and other persons, we all have one or another story to tell.
I am presenting here two varied hierarchies, which imply two constants.



True stories. Many of them are the product of long stays somewhere.


Stories with imaginary content. Thoughts about surreal situations.


On Going

Some underway projects, which are active.


Some planned projects, which could be close to entering development.


A healthy mind with ability to be part of positive projects, creates a line in any way during life. This is reflected in the integrity which serves for the realisation and complexity this topic covers.

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