Company on the way to improvement

The desire to wake up and continue along the path of love, truth, following intuition, is a decision I highly recommend.

I read an argument about how humans have fewer minutes, hours, days and years to live. However, most of us believe that we have a birthday, which could be very close to being held. 

Assuming the argument were true, this leads me to get another relationship to interpret how history has been and continues to be constantly manipulated to make us collectively believe something perhaps and most likely is not. Therefore, something in our cells causes the understanding that everything living is constantly changing. This does not necessarily mean that it is something younger or older, but rather an adaptation to the coefficient.

Due to the main strategy of increasing and achieving unity between organisations, the company which has gone with me hand in hand since 2008, has today been put to rest. Attacks on morality have unleashed this type of movements and decisions –considering necessarily the origin.

Through life we learn, analyse, trust and obtain results. In other cultures they call it “generating karma.” Based on this last term, it is very difficult for me to imagine what people are creating every minute, considering for example the way the majority has adopted to nourish themselves. ›More about in this Spanish and English post.‹

This post can be seen as a kind of invitation to open curiosity, to discern the capacity that some people have to create projects, which lend themselves to being developed and improved collectively with common benefits. After awakening, when we know and live from the truth, from love, from intuition, the risks of repression by third parties are up to date. Of course, these are quite positive and sometimes shocking “unique” situations.
Today my desire is to leave here a preview of what happened as a result of a true review I published in google in October of this year, describing an inhuman situation which I still find difficult to assess. ›More about it in this post.‹ Beyond this, nothing has happened yet, but the moral damage was done by evil beings, who could proceed at any moment with a second move.

The drawing added to this post is an image I have managed to capture, whose meaning has to do with the first vision before starting a journey carried out in 2006 in the archaeological zone of Palenque Chiapas together with my son. We both ventured on this “simple tour.”
Apparently it was like going through a portal. Today I assimilate my life situation with the result of having reached another dimension, and as a result, a large part of the experiences I can manifest today.

As part of the expansion of the borders, I leave in this post a surplus of “pending projects”, waiting to be taken up, developed with a good team and some others already underway. By the way, if you want to access the next two links, it is essential you send me a request. If you have any questions or suggest, feel free to ›contact me through my contact form.‹

› Projects ‹
› Life Paths ‹

Hand in hand situations – 18.12.23

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