Art can be stolen, talent certainly can’t!

For some time now I have been contacting family members, friends and acquaintances, to combine the communication of the newsletters together with this my most current website. By the way, you are welcome to sign up dear reader.

In addition to the goal I have of staying in touch with those who matter most to me, today I created a batch of business cards related to this website, considering that these are steps which frequently go hand in hand with the creation of the public image. I have done this many times.

We know that one of the main meanings of this combination is to promote the “product.” In addition, I consider it useful to prevent any crossroads, because the site functions, among the aspects mentioned above, to elucidate overwhelming experiences.

Friendships come and go. Unexpectedly, I have witnessed acts by people who were supposedly friends. In some cases I have been able to realise the loss with difficulty after approximately six years, a period during which there was effort on my part for the friendship to flourish.
The most recent has to do with a person whom my wife and I got to know a little better during a few days we spent in her apartment almost in the middle of the year 2019. Shortly before the second half of 2023 began, a “nice flame has been dissolved.” Everything has probably been forgotten due to many problems, including dogmatism, which has driven the dissolution.

About sixteen months ago I decided to leave aside the most common social networks, for many reasons. One of them was observing and having been living experiences within the communication, the result of the actions of the opposite side to my device, that is, those of the other person, were most of the time incoherent, incomprehensible and even malevolent, even among family members. Social networks have generated something more serious than a disease. They have been complicit in the separation of relationships from many people, because they caused “addiction and uselessness” among people. I was able to witness it with more intensity between 2016 and 2021.
Using a current example, a statement coming from the majority of users with whom communication has been intensely affected could apply: “If you are not on Facebook or Instagram, you are not my friend” or “if you do not use WhatsApp you are out of the ‘Elite’.”

Luckily, balance in nature always exists. It was thus that in the middle of this year I discovered the already functional, interesting and incredible Nostr protocol, of which ›I did extensive research and a post in September 2023.‹

Considering that the definition of “friends” is very complex, due to everything the content can cover, today I leave here a little about my experience regarding this terminology.

I have had friends, –I consider having them. However, meetings between other people and for various purposes were relatively abundant until 2015.
Beginning 2016, when I began developing visions and working in groups, especially with volunteers, I began to notice that there was always a very marked interest involved. The relationship between my wife and I was constantly affected because, whether for her or for me, the possible inequality and organisation between characters was overwhelming. Many times we ended up arguing, if it wasn’t her with the volunteers, it was me. Additional to the care and protection of assets. It was quite difficult to organise ourselves.

So we began to notice when there were no volunteers we enjoyed the calm, but it was very brief, since in addition to the desire to progress with the visions, it did not take long for the next defect to arise that needed to be repaired by those who were known with the matter in the community and for fear that the large property could somehow be invaded, after the high crime rate that we began to notice in the town.
In 2017 my wife found two adorable puppies searching on Facebook. We decided to adopt them and thus increase a little security and stability on the property. Responsibilities increased.

To this day we continue to be in contact with volunteers and many others who frequently contact us to start or continue with a project.

Prior to what happened during the previous three years [a little bit more about in this Yakihonne-Post], the few friendships preserved during these years seem to have receded. From my point of view, what dismays me most is observing my wife preferring to live with our twenty four years old son, instead of seeing how to recover the projects, integrate and eventually create an alliance, at least with the people who still contact her.

The situation has made me someone perhaps “unrecognisable” and at this time it is difficult for me to recover or make new friends. I am sometimes surprised by everything has happened and what destiny could have in store for me.

›Here you can learn a little more about my posts on Nostr.‹

Natural balance – 22.12.23

General information: Please consider that everything shown on this post it is a purely personal work, which implies full free and artistic expression in the content. By clicking on any of the links, buttons, etc. that constitute it, even the complete website, you will be accepting this. If you are looking for censorship, centralisation, control, cruelty or something similar, there are recognised websites familiar with these last mentioned topics and feel free to close this site immediately.

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