Visual story

This visual “food” in the morning is initially positioned in all the antonyms of pleasant.

I have woken up with all the desire to walk in the forest, realising there are anomalies in the sky: A lot of net-shaped scratches made of artificial clouds. A few quarters of an hour later the lines disperse into the air, leaving an ivory sky. The sun’s rays together with the sprayed substances, show rainbow colours in some parts of the sky, as if they were oil or gasoline stains.

Without having to correct humanity, I just don’t want to be fooled.

Today there is more movement outside than the previous days, curiously. It means that the monotony of humanity is being quite observed and controlled by those who send these machines to cause acts and landscapes like these in populated places, at any time of the day or night. Whatever the reason, natural clouds definitely look different. When those trails are being sprayed by the machinery that “human pilots” use, children and many other people might consider it normal. My intuition and my human side tell me the opposite and this is where for many the intriguing task of finding and resolving what each of those atoms is causing begins.

During a hypothesis, today I touch the topic of water to drink at home:
Supposing that I had a company in charge of selling expensive products for filtering drinking water, because this has been and continues to be excessively contaminated as a result of these trails and other factors, it would be very selfish to enrich myself based on the result of the acts caused for those pilots and for those who send them. The humane and correct behaviour should be to fight and reclaim nature as a team, to help others understand that the sky and natural clouds have other shapes, other smells, other reactions towards us and towards all of nature, to wake up and avoid at any price that they make us believe this is a normal sky and the water which people drink is clean.

Of course a water filtration and purification company is a good initiative. However, the descriptions and results which the water filtration company may spread, could be interpreted by other people or “customers” as excuses and suspicious, unless it is a fact that the team leave the product completely installed and do make the client feel good and satisfied with the purchase.

[Update Feb. 4, 2024]

What is happening in the airspace makes me very angry.

The resources, the birds, the insects, the water, the air, the landscape, the desire to walk and breathe fresh air. All of this is being affected.

There is a part of the population: The apathetic who were part of the “obedience of going to get vaccinated”, who, due to the effects they received, probably can no longer see what is happening. And those who do not want to see the problems of the matter.

Furthermore, I leave this written here, because I am only assuming the effects that these chemtrails may be causing in nature. Apparently it generates ›forgetfulness‹ in memory, among other symptoms and diseases.

This is happening at all hours, day and night. The most absurd thing usually begins on weekends, when most people “rest”:
Starting at approximately 10 am on Saturdays, the spreading in the sky begins. From here, it begins to be covered “little by little” during the rest of the day. By evening the sky already looks milky.
This leads us to deduce what comes from the saying “everything that goes up or is thrown into the sky, must come down.” And not immediately, but little by little. If one calculates the time in which all these particles touch the ground and everything in their path, it is an approximate average of between seven to twelve hours, which is already the case on Sundays, for everyone who decided to go out “breathe fresh air” or go to a picnic, probably a bath in chemical particles.

Plus the sky looks horrendous when those pilots leave chemtrails in the sky. Whatever it is!

I would like to know what you have done if the artificial landscape also bothers you. Let me know your comments ›through my contact form.‹

Find the atom – 27.12.23

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