A coffee & tea story

Unforgettable moments of flavour which “conditionally” follow our days.

In these days when I most long for tranquility and collective peace, sporadic trips to cities like Barcelona, Hamburg, Ubud, Zürich, Milan, Cancun, Tel Aviv and other cities I have been to, currently generate a hustle and bustle in my mind.

Every activity has been linked to moments in which there was a need to go in search of smells and flavours, which can rarely be distinguished between milk drinks and the hot butter of sandwiches, those of Coffee or Tea.

Until the end of 2010, I had been enjoying coffee, in addition to tea, without completely knowing its ceremonial meaning. It was present in my days from morning until late at noon in the form of Ristretto.

Since tea varieties have always accompanied my life, my diet, my healings and other situations, it was approximately the same year when I decided to delve deeper into the dimension of Green Tea.
I learned about the regions where it is most produced, where to get it, the different types, how to prepare it, and even how to appreciate it in a ceremonial way.
My favourite is still the one called “Jade Dew”.

I was drinking only green tea for about thirteen years.
In the middle of this year, during a family reunion at the Swiss Holidays Hotel, the desire to drink coffee, “Espresso” type, reawakened. Only now, I have learned to distinguish even more between the quality of the water, the origin of the grain and the container in which, for my taste, it is best prepared.

So today, both drinks for me are part of a ceremony.

In your case, what is the drink inspires you the most or makes you feel good? You can gladly let me know your comments, ›here through my contact form.‹

›I share here a gallery of the most current tea ceremony.‹

›And this other one from the most recent coffee ceremony.‹

A coffee & tea story – 09.12.23

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