Today I received a clarification.

Without having noticed any interest in communication on some sides, it has been a crucial decision for me to have started “a cleanse.” Something I do every year. Yes that’s how it was for me 2023.

What is the point of believing that a relationship remains when the “opposite” being is not available or is constantly disconnected from what I communicate and constantly wish to transmit?
It turns out to be mainly a sentimental situation. Nobody and nothing is eternal. Attention results now, it is watered and cared for, nothing else. Everything outside this turns out to be a paradox to me.

Have you been there for something, have you remembered me?? If it is for example to have wished me love, abundance, Love without borders exists and can be transmitted in different ways. Today I am here to share it, because I have been assigned in different ways to convey something unique. It is up to you to feel it and witness it. None of this smell will remain. So please keep in mind, the words I share definitely have meaning.

The reason why the previous paragraphs have been written superbly is sometimes the unconscious result of having gone through a type of depression.
Considering that everything described was real, seen from the ego, coupled with what was described in the post ›Natural Balance‹, the skills to leave the books of knowledge open through this route, is a goal which I wish to leave on this site, captured for you dear reader.

Clarification – 23.12.23

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