Moments of peace touched by “human” unconsciousness

Facts worthy of a publication, as part of life learning.

On the twenty-third of November I received a letter from the gym where I trained, which, as a result of a review I wrote on Google, insinuates that they had losses and will make me responsible for paying them an amount of USD 11,500.- in addition to have required me to delete the review no later than the end of November.

It all started with the simple fact that the gym administrators did not forgive me for having sent the cancellation of the contract seven days before it ended.
Despite having informed them that I am going through very difficult times, needing and seeking help, they simply did not care. The worst part is, I hadn’t even set foot in the gym for about seven months before the contract was about to expire. The result was an “automatic renewal,” so I got a reduction of USD 350.-, to end up paying USD 1,000.- without the possibility of going to train.

After the perfidious feat of the administrators and other unsatisfactory failures during the time I was training at the gym, I considered it optimal to leave a review on Google maps, clearly negative and true. Having received the letter I deleted it immediately, but I am torn by what could come, those actions of perverse people.

The limitation and impact regarding freedom of expression in the media, in addition to the results that a truthful comment causes when one decides to write a review in the face of an inhuman situation and by many other unfair cases that have been attacked to affect my life situation, are reasons enough for me to have created this site.

The review is in German language. In addition to this, I have generated a communication protocol, from the moment I tried to establish contact with the administrator to explain my situation, weeks before the contract expires.
The protocol can be downloaded ›here‹. However, a password is required to view it.
If you are interested in knowing more about the situation and having a simple copy of the protocol, please do not hesitate to ›contact me‹ to request the password.

Disturbing Actions – 08.12.23

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