Waking up in a strange bedroom

The feeling of waking up in a strange room is completely unmatched than waking up at home.

Due to the foolishness of many people in continuing with the cumbersome habits of using firecrackers during holidays and in order to first avoid the trauma that dogs go through during these times, on this occasion we prefer to run away.

We arrived at a hotel in France near an airport, because supposedly the use of firecrackers is not allowed here. The night felt very long, I couldn’t sleep and thoughts were present all the time and also a little noise from firecrackers. Not as intense as the one witnessed the previous year in my locality.

Quite grateful, by virtue of having woken up with my wife in the same bed and for this occasion, unlike how we usually spend the nights, our beloved dog next to the bed on her mattress on the floor.

Finally at nine o’clock in the morning the next day, after the scandals and ridiculousness had passed, we were back home. The experience had a value of 500,000 Sats. This thanks to a situation in which the economy allows us to do so.

So dear reader, if you are one of those who like to support this kind of habits caused by firecrackers, I invite you to reflect and put yourself in the place of those who cannot afford a “purple room” and to understand that animals perceive life from dimensions different from ours. Many acts caused by humans are overwhelming and consequently traumatising for them. Researching the meaning of empathy can help everyone.

Purple Room – 01.01.24

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